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At Canvey Junior School, we follow the ‘iLearn2’ scheme of work, which is taught in half-a-day blocks, where the skills from the National Curriculum are covered. At the end of each unit, pupils have an opportunity to apply the skills learnt in a cross-curricular manner, which links to a topic covered during that half-term. Through the use of videos, pupils are talked through, step-by-step, how to complete the tasks, which also provides guidance and support. Computing is continuously integrated into all subjects through a wide range of equipment available: laptops, Chromebooks, iPads, cameras, microphones, digicams and a fully functional Computer Suite. We ensure that all pupils have access to modern technology within school and  understand how to use them; that all pupils leave us with the necessary skills in Computing to continue being successful.

Alongside this, we focus heavily on E-Safety and embed this teaching across our curriculum, which coincides with the separate E-Safety lessons taught by each year group. We have adopted the Project Evolve scheme for E-Safety, which is tailored to each class through the use of knowledge map assessments and is taught weekly. Cross-curricular links are made with PSHE and during Autumn term the focus for PSHE lessons is online safety. Throughout the year, E-Safety is bought to the forefront via a Big Question every half term, which allows all pupils the opportunity to discuss the issues around Internet Safety. Furthermore, we take part in the yearly ‘Internet Safety Day’, where all pupils participate in lessons and competitions designed by the school.

Click on the documents linked below to see the areas of study your child will be covering in Computing and E-Safety: