Art and Design
Art has a very important place in our curriculum and is taught every half-term alternating with Design and Technology. As the National Curriculum says, Art should, ‘inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.’
At Canvey Junior School, we teach a wide range of art disciplines so that the children experience drawing, painting, collage, textiles, 3D design, printmaking, craft techniques and digital media. Lessons are supported using the ‘Plan Bee’ scheme of work, but our lessons are greatly adapted from this to suit our children’s interest and to show the progression of skill and knowledge across key stage two. For example, in Year 4 pupils learn how to begin to draw 3D forms, whilst in Year 6, pupils are taught the fundamental techniques of drawing in perspective to show a variety of 3D elements together. In our scheme of work, the children are introduced to some of the Great Masters, as well as a wide variety of other artists from across the world. We also use subject knowledge organisers to help our children recall prior learning as well as to show techniques which they can use in their lessons to build on previous skills.
Our corridor proudly displays and showcases the children’s artwork around the school building like an open gallery. We like to participate in local competitions and exhibit in places like our country hall, church or library.
Below you can see the areas of study your children will be covering in Art: